Ibomber defense walkthrough
Ibomber defense walkthrough

To be clear, the prior zombie meta was solved by simply building an underground bunker. The devs have added a “zombie tantrum” mechanic to try and get some damage on looped mazes – zombies will attack anything nearby when they fall, possibly weakening your support pillars – but that will be metagamed away with multiple platforms or deeper holes. At the same time, zombies prefer not attacking walls to X extent, if they can walk there instead.Įssentially, the current 7DTD meta is to not create bases at all, but rather mazes that funnel zombies into kill zones and/or large drops that loop them around until they die of fall damage. Zombie are also perfectly prescient, knowing exactly which wall blocks have the lowest remaining health, and will attack that spot en mass to get to you. What zombies do now though, is behave in perfect tower defense intelligence: the shortest distance between them and you, with walls adding a virtual number of steps. It’s been long enough that I don’t even remember how zombies behaved in prior patches. In short, zombies are now impossibly smart… and impossibly dumb. The biggest change, however, was to zombie AI.

ibomber defense walkthrough ibomber defense walkthrough

There have been a lot of tweaks to the progression mechanics and Perk system, including some level-gating on Iron/Steel tool recipes.

ibomber defense walkthrough

#Ibomber defense walkthrough Patch

I have been playing some more 7 Days to Die (7DTD) now that the Alpha 17.1 patch came around.

Ibomber defense walkthrough